
 Kualifikasi Tenaga Sanitarian
 (Sesuai Pasal 3 PMK No 32 Tahun 2013)

(1) Kualifikasi Tenaga Sanitarian ditetapkan berjenjang dan berkelanjutan yang terdiri dari:
a. Sanitarian;
b. Teknisi Sanitarian Utama (Technical Sanitarian);
c. Teknisi Sanitarian Madya (Junior Technical Sanitarian);
d. Teknisi Sanitarian Pratama (Assistent Technical Sanitarian); dan
e. Asisten Teknisi Sanitarian (Junior Assistent Technical Sanitarian).

(2) Sanitarian sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) huruf a merupakan Tenaga Sanitarian yang memiliki ijazah Profesi Kesehatan Lingkungan.

(3) Teknisi Sanitarian Utama merupakan Tenaga Sanitarian yang memiliki ijazah:
a. Diploma Tiga Penilik Kesehatan; atau
b. Diploma Empat/Sarjana Terapan/Sarjana Kesehatan Lingkungan/Ilmu Lingkungan/Teknologi Lingkungan/Teknik Lingkungan/Teknik Sanitasi.

(4) Teknisi Sanitarian Madya merupakan Tenaga Sanitarian yang memiliki ijazah Diploma Tiga Ahli Madya Sanitasi dan Kesehatan Lingkungan/Teknologi Sanitasi.

(5) Teknisi Sanitarian Pratama merupakan Tenaga Sanitarian yang memiliki ijazah Diploma Satu Kesehatan Lingkungan/Pembantu Penilik Hygiene.

(6) Asisten Teknisi Sanitarian merupakan orang yang memilki ijazah SMK (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan) Kesehatan Lingkungan/Sanitasi/ Plumbing.

 (Oleh : Sugeng Abdullah, SST, MSi)   

A. Pengertian Sanitarian di Indonesia
1. Sanitarian adalah tenaga sanitasi
2. Tenaga sanitasi adalah meliputi tenaga kesehatan yang dididik secara khusus pada (a).
Sekolah Penjenang Kesehatan  (SPK) A/B, (b). Sekolah Menengah Kesehatan Atas (SMKA), (c). Sekolah Pembantu Penilik Hygiene (SPPH),  (d). Kursus Pendidikan Kontrolir Kesehatan, (e). Akademi Kontrolir Kesehatan (AKK),  (f). Akademi Penilik Kesehatan (APK), (g). Akademi Penilik Kesehatan Teknologi Sanitasi (APK-TS), (h). Pendidikan Ahli Madya Sanitasi dan Kesehatan Lingkungan (PAM SKL), (i). Akademi Kesehatan Lingkungan (AKL), (j). Jurusan / Program Studi / Diploma  Sanitasi dan Kesehatan Lingkungan, (k). Master / Magister   Sanitasi dan Kesehatan Lingkungan.
3. Sinonim Sanitarian :  Kontrolir Kesehatan, Penilik Kesehatan, Penilik Hygiene, Pembantu Penilik Hygiene,  Tenaga HS (Hygiene Sanitasi), Mantri Hygiene, Mantri Kakus, Ahli Kesehatan Lingkungan (termasuk : Ahli Pratama, Ahli Muda, Ahli Madya, Ahli dan  Spesialist).
4. Sanitarian adalah seseorang yang lulus dari pendidikan  Sekolah Menengah Kesehatan Atas (SMKA)
5. Sanitarian adalah tenaga profesional yang bekerja dalam bidang sanitasi dan kesehatan lingkungan dengan latar belakang pendidikan yang beragam dan telah mengikuti pendidikan atau pelatihan khusus di bidang sanitasi dan kesehatan lingkungan.
6. Sanitarian  adalah salah satu jenis  tenaga Kesehatan Masyarakat  (PP  No. 32 Tahun 1996, tentang Tenaga Kesehatan)
7. Sanitarian adalah Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang diberi tugas, tanggung jawab, wewenang dan hak secara penuh oleh pejabat yang berwewenang untuk melakukan kegiatan pengamatan, pengawasan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam rangka perbaikan kualitas kesehatan lingkungan untuk dapat memelihara, melindungi dan meningkatkan cara-cara hidup bersih dan sehat. (SK MEMPAN No: 19/KEP/ M.PAN/ 11/2000 tanggal 30 November 2000)

   -----tabel jabatan sanitarian----

8. Sanitarian adalah orang yang mahir dalam sanitasi dan kesehatan masyarakat. Sanitarian berasal dari kata  sanus   yang berarti baik, atau sanitas yang berati kesehatan ( John H. Dirckx, MD. Kamus Ringkas Kedokteran, STEDMAN, EGC 2001)
9. Sanitarian adalah tenaga kesehatan lingkungan berpendidikan minimal Sarjana (S1) yang telah mendapatkan pelatihan dibidang Hygiene Sanitasi  Makanan; (Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia  Nomor 1098/MENKES/SK/VII/2003)
10.  …….?

B. Pengertian Sanitarian di Mancanegara
1. Sanitarian Synonyms: Sanitary inspector; sanitation inspector; sanitation supervisor;
environmental technician; pollution-control technician (DOT). Also: public-health inspector; environmental-health inspector; environmental-quality inspector; environmental technician/engineering aid; registered/certified sanitarian    Job profile:Plans, develops and executes environmental health programme; organizes and conducts training programme in environmental health practices for schools and other groups; determines and sets health and sanitation standards and enforces regulations concerned with food processing and serving, collection and disposal of solid wastes, sewage treatment and disposal, plumbing, vector control, recreational areas, hospitals and other institutions, noise, ventilation, air pollution, radiation and other areas; confers with government, community, industrial, civil defence and private organizations to interpret and promote environmental health programmes; collaborates with other health personnel in epidemiological investigations and control. Advises civic and other officials in development of environmental health laws and regulations (DOT). (
2. Sanitarian is garbageman (US Public Service) 3. A credentialed practitioner in the environmental, sanitary and public health sciences whose
vocational efforts are directed towards the evaluation and management of those factors and mechanisms which impact upon the public health, quality of life and determinants of risk. (Robert W. Powitz,
4. Under general direction of the Fire Chief, responsible for the promotion and enforcement of environmental sanitation laws and ordinances; performs regular and special inspections of food handling establishments, hotels and motels, and vending machines to assure compliance; erforms related work as required (from : City of Ames)
5. "Registered sanitarian" means a person who meets the requirements of education, training or experience in sanitary science, is licensed in the State, and who may be engaged in the promotion and protection of the public health by applying technical knowledge to formulate  and execute methods and procedures to control those factors of the environment which influences the health, safety and welfare of the public. [Eff. SEP 18 1981] (Auth: HRS §§321-10, 321-13) (Imp: HRS §321-13)
6. a specialist in sanitary science and public health (Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.)
7. A public health or sanitation expert  (The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company )
8. One skilled in matters of sanitary science and public health  or relating to sanitary science and public health   (Webster Dictionary 3rd  edition) 9. Sanitarian is a public health worker with trainning in the sciences that aply to sanitation, such a biology, epidemiology, bacteriology and vital statistic. ( New Standard Encyclopedia, volume 15, SEC Chicago)
10. A public health or sanitation expert (

11. a specialist in sanitary science and public health (
12. a person who specializes in public health and sanitation.
( 13. A member of a local, state or federal public health department who conducts inspections,
files reports and offers advice to foodservice operators in addressing sanitation problems. (
14. A public health or sanitation expert. ( 15. Someone who favours or studies sanitary measures ( 16. A registered sanitarian is a person who is trained and experienced in the field of sanitary
science and technology and who is authorized to carry out the educational, inspectional and enforcement duties in the field of environmental health services. Environmental health is the science and art of controlling environmental hazards to preserve and improve the health, safety and well being of people (
17. a specialist in sanitary science and public health (
18. "Sanitarian" is a public health professional qualified by education in the arts and sciences, specialized training, and acceptable environmental health field experience to effectively plan, organize, manage, execute and evaluate one or more of the many diverse elements comprising the field of environmental health.  Practice in the field of environmental health within the meaning of this Article includes, but is not limited to, organization, management, education, enforcement, and consultation for the purpose of prevention of environmental health hazards and the promotion and protection of the public health and the environment in the following areas:  food, lodging and institutional sanitation, on-site sewage treatment and disposal, and milk and dairy sanitation. (
19. A public health or sanitation expert.(
20. An advocate of sanitary measures; one especially interested or versed in sanitary measures (
21. One who is skilled in sanitation and public health (
22. Environmental health specialist/sanitarian.  "Environmental health specialist/sanitarian" means a person registered pursuant to these rules to plan, organize, manage, implement, and evaluate one or more program areas comprising the field of environmental health.  Environmental program areas   include but are not limited to:  food, beverage, and lodging  sanitation; housing; refuse disposal; water supply sanitation;  rodent, insect, and vermin control; accident prevention; swimming pool and public bathing facility sanitation; radiation  safety; air and water quality, noise pollution, and  institutional and industrial hygiene.  Implementation includes  community education, investigation, consultation, review of  construction plans, collection of samples and interpretation of  laboratory data, enforcement actions, review and recommendation of policy and/or regulation. (
23. "sanitarian" means a person who by education or experience in the physical, biological and sanitary sciences is qualified to carry out educational, investigational and technical duties in the field of environmental health. (
24. An advocate of sanitary measures; one especially interested or versed in sanitary measures. (

25. A Sanitarist  (
26. An environmental health specialist, or sanitarian, is a person qualified to plan, organize,
manage, implement, and evaluate one or more program areas comprising the field of environmental health.  Environmental program areas include but are not limited to:  food, beverage, and lodging sanitation; housing; refuse disposal; water supply sanitation; rodent, insect, and vermin control; accident prevention; swimming pool and public bathing facility sanitation; radiation safety; air and water quality, noise pollution, and institutional and industrial hygiene.  Implementation includes community education, investigation, consultation, review of construction plans, collection of samples and interpretation of laboratory data, enforcement actions, review and recommendation of policy and/or regulation. (
27. A housing inspector is the key person in a local housing hygiene program since he is the local representative dealing with the grass roots problems (
28. An advocate of sanitary measures; one especially interested or versed in sanitary measures (
29. An advocate of sanitary measures; one especially interested or versed in sanitary measures (.
30. An advocate of sanitary measures; one especially interested    or versed in sanitary measures.(Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (

   Sugeng Abdullah (2006), “Definisi Sanitarian”    
  (disampaikan  dalam pertemuan rutin HAKLI Cabang Banyumas, 21 Juni 2006) 

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Terima kasih penjelasannya Bapak Sugeng

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